SERVPRO of Upper Bucks, NW Hunterdon County Event Photos

CAI - Keystone Chapter Expo
CAI - Keystone Chapter Expo
We kept it groovy at the Disco Themed Community Associations Institute - Keystone Chapter Expo! Our key party was a hit, everyone got the chance to try to unlock the key to funky town to win a $500 gift card!

Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing
Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing
We were sat out on the green at the Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing. We handed out snacks, candy, water, and raffled off a bottle of tequila.

Perkasie Fire Company Picnic
Perkasie Fire Company Picnic
We served our homemade barbeque for the Perkasie Fire Company Picnic so they men and women could take a break for the day and just enjoy themselves!

Fire & Spice to Benefit Silverdale Volunteer Fire Company
Fire & Spice to Benefit Silverdale Volunteer Fire Company
We cooked and served our Fire & Spice Barbeque to fundraise for the Silverdale Volunteer Fire Company.

Philadelphia Loss Conference Golf Outing
Philadelphia Loss Conference Golf Outing
We sponsored the Philadelphia Loss Conference Golf Outing in July. We set up on the green handing out snacks and water for the golfers.

Brew at the Zoo Hosted by CAI Keystone Chapter
Brew at the Zoo Hosted by CAI Keystone Chapter
We had a great time at the Community Associations Institute - Keystone Chapter Brew at the Zoo event in the Jaguar Exhibit at Elmwood Park Zoo! We even got to meet Reggie the eagle!

SERVPRO Serves Fire & Spice at the Quakertown Carnival
SERVPRO Serves Fire & Spice at the Quakertown Carnival
We served our famous Fire & Spice at the Quakertown Carnival. We raised money for the Quakertown Fire Company by selling our cheesesteaks and bug juice to the families that came out for a great night.

SERVPRO Caters Fire & Spice for Trumbauersville Fire Department
SERVPRO Caters Fire & Spice for Trumbauersville Fire Department
SERVPRO cooked our famous Fire & Spice for Trumbauersville Fire Department. We offered Grab and Go Barbeque and amazingly sold out in 2 hours.

Score for the Cure
Score for the Cure
Multiple members of our team volunteered to help with Score for the Cure a Hockey Tournament, 5K and other fun activities to benefit the JDRF. We were able to help out with the lunch catering and with the help of many other local businesses we donated $30,000 to the research fund.

UBCC Meet and Greet meets SERVPRO Clam Bake
UBCC Meet and Greet meets SERVPRO Clam Bake
It was our turn to host a UBCC Meet and Greet so we thought we would switch it up and turn it into a Clam Bake. We cooked and served all the chamber members that attended and explained a little about what we do and gave tours of our warehouse. We loved the opportunity to get to know our local businesses and let them know that we are here to help them with anything they need.

Hilltown Township Volunteer Fire Company Wine Fest
Hilltown Township Volunteer Fire Company Wine Fest
We donated our large tents for the Hilltown Township Volunteer Fire Company Wine Fest. We stayed for the event handing out some SERVPRO swag to the attendees.

IFMA Greater Philadelphia Chapter Golf Outing
IFMA Greater Philadelphia Chapter Golf Outing
This Fall we spent a day out on hole #7 at the Paxon Hollow Golf Club. We supported the region's Facility Managers by handing out water, pretzels, and raffling off a bottle of vodka.

Emergency Preparedness Seminar with FEDEGARI TECHNOLOGIES Inc
Emergency Preparedness Seminar with FEDEGARI TECHNOLOGIES Inc
Along with FOCUS! Safety Training we conducted a series of Emergency Preparedness seminars and certifications for our neighbors, FEDEGARI TECHNOLOGIES. Inc. in Sellersville. We prepared an ERP (Emergency Response Profile) of the building to assist during a disaster. Education and certifications included CPR/AED, Stop the Bleed, Situational Awareness, and Disaster Preparedness. And true to our nature, we provided our catered Fire & Spice menu for lunch!

Police Chiefs Association of Southeastern PA Golf Outing
Police Chiefs Association of Southeastern PA Golf Outing
We sat on the green during the Golf Outing for the Police Chiefs Association of Southeastern PA. We handed out water, soft pretzels, and raffled off a bottle of scotch. It was a perfect day for our last golf outing of 2021

Sportsman Bingo Hosted by Ottsville Volunteer Fire Company and Riegelsville Fire Company
Sportsman Bingo Hosted by Ottsville Volunteer Fire Company and Riegelsville Fire Company
We attended Sportsman Bingo to benefit the Ottsville Volunteer Fire Company and Riegelsville Fire Company Consolidation. They had amazing attendance and we were able to raise money selling our delicious cheesesteaks, burgers, and hotdogs.

Lunch Sponsor for Eastern PA ABC Clay Shoot
Lunch Sponsor for Eastern PA ABC Clay Shoot
In October 2021 we catered the lunch for the Eastern PA ABC Clay Shoot. We offered our amazing barbeque cooked by our owners themselves and served by our marketing team.

Inaugural Charity Clay Shoot for CREW of Greater Philadelphia
Inaugural Charity Clay Shoot for CREW of Greater Philadelphia
We were happy to sponsor the Inaugural Charity Clay Shoot for CREW of Greater Philadelphia by cooking and serving a barbeque lunch for the event. This was an amazing opportunity to help raise money for young women interested in a degree in real estate.

Quakertown Tree Lighting
Quakertown Tree Lighting
We handed out cookies and candy canes at the Quakertown Tree Lighting. We were able to meet some new members of the community and catch up with those we already know and we even got to see Santa.

Annual Excellence Awards Gala Hosted by CAI - Keystone Chapter
Annual Excellence Awards Gala Hosted by CAI - Keystone Chapter
December 2021 We attended the Annual Excellence Awards Gala Hosted by CAI - Keystone Chapter. One of our Owners and our Director of Marketing were awarded the Excellence in Education Award for their amazing work with CAI and their community.

UBCC Annual Holiday Meet and Greet
UBCC Annual Holiday Meet and Greet
We attended the Annual Holiday Meet and Greet hosted by the Upper Bucks Chamber of Commerce and Hotter Painting. It was a great night of networking and local businesses coming together. We talked a little shop and about the upcoming holidays. All in all it was a great night with a a great group of people.

SERVPRO of Upper Bucks Sponsorship
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks is proud to once again be a major sponsor of The Univest Sounds of Summer Concert Series.

WMMR Red Cross Blood Drive
With our national partnership with the Red Cross, SERVPRO of Upper Bucks takes advantage of being able to volunteer at their local events and blood drives. This year, we participated in the annual "I Bleed for Preston & Steve" blood drive hosted by WMMR and the Red Cross.

National Night Out
Quakertown, PA
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks proudly participated in our local National Night Out event held at Quakertown Memorial Park. This event brings neighborhoods throughout the community together to meet their local law enforcement officers and also to attend the National Night Out event that happens at the park which kicks off the annual firemen's carnival in Quakertown.

United Way of Bucks County
Stuff the Bus!
This year, SERVPRO of Upper Bucks hosted a mini-drive to collect brand new school supplies to help children in need throughout Bucks county. In addition, the SERVPRO team attended the huge Stuff the Bus event held at Sesame Place in Langhorne to help fill thousands of backpacks with the new supplies!

Upper Bucks Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Outing
Did someone say hot dog bar?
The SERVPRO of Upper Bucks tent was a popular stop on the green during UBCC's annual golf outing. Owner Mike McGrory prepared hot dogs all day long and golfers topped them with delicious fixings from the "bar" Mike put together. Options included; chopped onion, bacon, homemade chili, cheese and more!

Perkasie Borough Fall Festival
Everything's Green!
In donating our 40x40 big green tent to the Perkasie Borough for their annual fall festival , we received lots of feedback that the tent casts a green haze on everyone and everything underneath it. While some may not have loved this effect, we thought it was perfect!

Jefferson Health Annual Golf Outing
Fall Golf Outing 2017
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks was invited to participate in an annual fall golf outing at which we met healthcare professionals, golf enthusiasts and other vendors. We enjoyed beautiful weather and a great turnout!

Lowe's Pro Event
Fall 2017
Hosted several times throughout the year, SERVPRO of Upper Bucks regularly attends our local Lowe's Pro Customer Appreciation Event. During this events, we greet pro-customers as they walk in/out of the store and provide them with fun giveaways and literature regarding our various services.

Trunk or Treat!
Happy Halloween!
Our local credit union hosted their second annual Trunk-or-Treat event in which local families were invited out to visit local businesses at their decorated trunk and get Halloween candy in a safe environment. This year, we spooked our new marketing Jeep up with creepy decorations and lots of good sweets!

PSCA Annual Conference
Pennsylvania State Coroners Association
Closely related to our involvement with PFDA (PA Funeral Directors Association) the state coroners offer us an opportunity to promote our niche service of bio-hazard and crime scene clean-up as well as our more standard services.

PA Procurement Expo & Forum
PA Department of General Services
SERVPRO's goal in 2017 was to brand every event/conference that made sense. Therefore, we spent the 6th and 7th of September at the PA Procurement Expo meeting representatives from various governmental departments.

PALA Annual Conference
PA Assisted Living Association
Unfortunately, building emergencies can strike anywhere and at any time; including assisted living facilities. SERVPRO of Upper Bucks experienced a 3-story water loss at a local retirement community in which numerous tenants suffered from Alzheimer's. Part of our process was finding a safe location for these individuals to stay while we quickly restored their rooms.

PFDA Annual Conference
PA Funeral Directors Association
Did you know that SERVPRO is fully certified and able to handle bio-hazard and crime scene clean-up? This service is rarely top of mind but that is why a group of SERVPRO's across Pennsylvania decided to join PFDA and support their annual conference to spread the word.

PASBO Annual Conference
PA Association of School Business Officials
As a team, SERVPRO's throughout Pennsylvania joined PASBO and supported their annual conference in March of 2017. This group will continue their support into 2018 and beyond as they strongly believe supporting their school communities and affiliated associations is of the utmost importance.

PASA-PSBA 2017 Annual Conference
PSBA Annual Conference
In 2017, SERVPRO's from Pennsylvania decided to join together and partner with PSBA, PA School Boards Association. This was our first year supporting their annual conference and we look forward to years to come!! The event was well-attended and hosted at the beautiful Hershey Lodge & Conference center!

Cornhole Tournament
West End Fire Department Open House
What better way to settle rivalries among local, volunteer fire departments than through a cornhole tournament?! At the 2017 West Fire Department Open House, neighboring fire companies brought their apparatus and volunteers out to help support the event. However, due to close proximity, these volunteers don't always play nice so SERVPRO of Upper Bucks decided to put an end to the madness through an old-school bean-bag toss tournament! We provided the four sets of cornhole and watched each team battle it out until Richlandtown Fire Co. 1 came out on top! They went home with pure satisfaction and a SERVPRO of Upper Bucks' cornhole set of their own!

AutumnAlive! Fall Festival
Each year, the organization, QuakertownAlive! hosts a series of community-oriented events. SERVPRO of Upper Bucks has been a part of their fall festival for the past two years and in 2017, also participated in their spring festival, ArtsAlive!. We look forward to our continued support of this organization. The AutumnAlive! Fall Festival draws a crowd of over 10,000 from the communities both surrounding and in Quakertown. This year, SERVPRO of Upper Bucks handed out the ever-popular fidget spinners, went for pony rides and enjoyed some great food!

Penn State vs. Michigan
Back in 2016, a small group of SERVPRO franchises decided to combine resources and become members of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce. The PA Chamber offers many unique branding and sponsorship opportunities and at times, even manages to squeeze in an opportunity to sponsor a tailgate! This SERVPRO group did just that for the record-breaking Penn State versus Michigan State game on October 21, 2017.Penn State came out on top with a huge win over their rivals with a record-breaking, white-out crowd behind them to cheer them on. SERVPRO enjoyed a pre-game tailgate as well as tickets to the game the night. What an experience!

Perkasie Fire Department Open House
Fire Safety
Our local, 100% volunteer Perkasie Fire Department hosted their annual open-house during the 2017 Fire Prevention Week. There was plenty to do including a fire extinguisher simulator, tours of Bucks 1 Emergency Vehicle, a station to practice putting out a fire and much more! SERVPRO of Upper Bucks was their to provide our support, educate the public on the aftermath of a fire, promote fire safety and to handout fresh-baked cookies! It was quite the event and we thoroughly enjoyed our time with our community and volunteer firefighters!

Police Security Expo 2017
Held at the Atlantic City Convention Center this year, PSE boasted thousands of attendees, an expansive showroom floor and hundreds of friendly vendors. SERVPRO teamed up to have a booth at which we handed out smartphone wallets, sanitizer wipes and two $200 VISA gift cards for raffle.

PA/NJ PHCC Tradeshow
SERVPRO Supports Plumbers!
2017 kicked off with SERVPRO joining the Pennsylvania Association of Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Contractors. We showed our support at their annual tradeshow which was held at Harrah's Resort-Atlantic City in April, where we raffled off three beautiful, brand-new Milwaukee tools!

PA Apartment Association
2017 Annual PAA Tradeshow!
This year, the show's theme was "carnival". To fit this theme, we brought along our prize wheel and loaded it with airplane bottles of alcohol for the attendee's to win! Surprisingly, our booth was a huge hit!

PASBO Annual Conference 2017
Come visit SERVPRO at this year's 62nd annual PASBO Conference & Exhibits from March 21st-24th! Click here for more info!

Purple Heart Donation
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks staff collected their gently used clothes and other goods to donate to the Purple Heart, an affiliate of Go-Green-Drop. Purple Heart provides resources to Veterans and their families through donated materials.

Hydrating Heroes
SERVPROs of the Greater Philadelphia areas teamed up to donate and distribute 1,800 cases of water to local first responder organizations. This ambulance squad was just one of the many recipients!

PASBO Facilities Managers & Transportation Conference
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks, members of PA School Board Officials (PASBO), supported the organization at one of their recent conferences!

Autumn Alive! Fall Festival
A local community-based organization, Quakertown Alive! invited SERVPRO of Upper Bucks to participate in this year's Autumn Alive! Fall Festival. This event draws thousands of local community members and their families out for a day filled of food vendors, pet parades, cupcake contests, live entertainment and much more! SERVPRO of Upper Bucks was in the hub of it all handing out fun goodies and meeting many of their neighbors!

Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Expo 2016
Solar-System themed business expo this year held at the Indian Valley Country Club. This event was held for networking between local businesses and community members.

Lowe's Pro Customer Appreciation Day
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks gladly came out to support local contractors and vendors at the Lowe's Pro Customer Appreciation Day! We spent time getting to know our local community members and businesses!

Funeral Directors Reception
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks was happy to host many local funeral directors at their annual meeting! We provided an open bar, friendly SERVPRO staff and some fun giveaways!

Quakertown's Inaugural Concert Series
This September (2016), SERVPRO of Upper Bucks was invited to join many community members in supporting the Quakertown Borough's brand new amphitheater at their inaugural concert where the local Craig Thatcher Band performed!

Pennridge Police Department Run the Rocks 5K
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks participated in the Pennridge Police Department's first annual Run the Rocks 5k. We donated multiple cases of water and our own marketing representative ran in the race!
Perkasie Fire Company Carnival
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks recently supported one of the local fire companies by sponsoring and participating in their annual carnival.
Springfield Township Community Day
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks was proud to be a participant of the 2012 Springfield Township Community Day! We brought our bounce house, a few cornhole games, and some fun giveaways!

Quakertown Fire Department Carnival
SERVPRO of Upper Bucks is proud to support our local Quakertown Fire Department! SERVPRO of Upper Bucks made a donation of four cases of water as well as as $200 to the QFD in an effort to help make their carnival a huge success! It was a very fun event thanks to the wonderful members of the quakertown community!

Congratulations Joe! SERVPRO's PA FOP Kegerator Winner!
SERVPRO recently attended the PA FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) Conference held at the Hilton of Penn's Landing. While here, SERVPRO raffled off tickets for a brand new kegerator (aka Beer Meister) to the very generous attendees and was able to raise almost $200 to donate to the FOP! Joe, a retired police officer, was beyond excited to take the kegerator back to his office and share it with his co-workers